DIY Tide Pool – Ocean Science Activity for Kids

This week we studied ocean zones while following the Classical Conversations Cycle 1 Week 19 curriculum - and to add an extra element of fun, we also studied the Intertidal Zone. Did you know that the Intertidal Zone is one of the harshest environments on earth? It's true. Animals who live there have to withstand extreme variations…

cc cycle 1 week 19 lesson plan

Classical Conversations Cycle 1 Week 19 Activities + Resources

Science We did a lot for science this week, since we LOVE learning about the ocean. Ocean Layers ActivityThis was a great way to visualize the epipelagic, mesopelagic, bathypelagic and abyssopelagic layers they learned about at CC. Learn how to do it here. Tide Pool Sensory PlayIf you've been around here for any length of…

ocean layers

Ocean Zones Hands-On Science Activity

This week in Classical Conversations (Cycle 1), we learned about the layers of the oceans, or ocean zones. This was a simple and fun activity that required minimal effort and supplies you probably already have lying around. (We got the idea from this book) First, gather 5 clear cups or jars and line them up…

nature walk with children

Tips for Nature Walks with Young Children

Before you think I've got this whole thing figured out, let me just paint a picture for you. About a year ago, we set out with a friend on one of our very first nature walks at a local trail. "It'll be fun!" we said. Three minutes into our walk, my littlest one (who was…